I work in a spirit of respect and caring for my client. My gentle and caring approach creates a space for deep relaxation and healing to happen naturally. I tune into your body and being to find the best way to invite your body to let go of any tension it holds. From this space of relaxation I lead you to a sensual experience. I invite the whole body to open to experiencing pleasure.
During the session we also use breathing to bring both more relaxation and more aliveness to your body and being. Breathing deeply can help you to surrender more fully to the experience and bring more intensity to it. Through relaxation and breath your body and whole being can also open more fully to welcome your sexual energy and pleasure. Faster deep breathing may be used to bring more energy and intensity to your body, helping you to open and experience it in a new way. Also more specific breathing techniques may be explored and used as part of the session.
Tantric massage usually ends with a lingam massage or yoni massage (genital massage). This consists of a variety of strokes on the whole intimate area. The quality of touch can be therapeutically gentle and honouring, offering an experience of acceptance and love to this part of you. It can also introduce new sensations, build pleasure and arousal and spread the energy to the whole body. Breathing and touch of the whole body are some of the ways we will use to help this spreading.
Tantric massage and tantric practices are powerful tools for our overall personal growth as well as working with specific issues, including emotional, spiritual, physical and sexual. They are also very helpful in improving our real life sexual experience and issues around it. This can include overcoming sexual difficulties like premature ejaculation, erection difficulties and difficulties with intimacy and connection. They are effective in areas like opening more to intimacy and building confidence. And of cause tantric massage is also great just for de – stressing and connecting more with yourself.