For men, sexual energy is usually readily available. Often the connection between sexual energy and the rest of the body and personality is not very strong. Connecting sexuality more fully with the whole body and being can be a revelation in itself. It can bring empowerment to the whole person, as well as an often radical deepening of sexual experience and pleasure. It also holds potential for a deep personal transformation.
For women, sexuality tends to be much more connected with and part of their overall emotional being. It often expresses their soul being in a most intimate way.
It is thought in tantra that where for a man sexuality is a major pole of energy and power, for a woman her heart, her emotional being is her most important centre. Often sexuality becomes available for contact only after she has been met and honoured in her heart and soul. She should never be pressured into more sexual contact than she feels good about. Within tantra and Tantric sessions it is fundamentally important to respect the woman’s boundaries and feeling about what is good and desirable for her. While these relative differences between sexes can be recognised, there are also great differences between individuals.
Within Tantric massage sessions for a woman, the focus can be on building and expanding pleasure within the body. Tantric massage can also be beneficial for overcoming barriers to enjoying one’s sexuality fully. These may include imprints of past traumatic experiences anywhere in the mind and body, including intimate areas.
Healing and Empowering for Women through Healing Energy
I have also studied a form of energy healing that is especially suitable for bringing our feminine power to full blossom. With this healing modality I can help you uncover more of your essence as a woman. This can enhance your intimate life and bring more juiciness to your life generally. We women often carry subconscious influences from our family and culture that can disempower us and block the natural expression of our full power and beauty.
This healing can be part of a Tantric session, or can also be a session in itself. Please enquire if you are interested in this option.
Men and women